Terms and Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they will form a contract between us and you; Your acceptance of which is agreed from the moment you sign our Hosting Agreement, Website Design Agreement, Website development Agreement, SEO Agreement Or Support Agreement.

We have tried to keep these Terms and Conditions brief, easy to understand, and as Straight forward as possible. If you have any questions however, please do not hesitate to Contact us.


  • You (‘The Client’)
  • Us (Friendzion, and hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’)
  • The Project the body of work that is being undertaken, normally consisting of several
  • Connected parts, such as consultation, Graphic design, Website Design, website development, SEO and/or hosting.

  • What do both parties agree to?

    The Client agrees to:

    Provide the Company, within a reasonable timescale, everything that is requested from You to complete the Project including Text, images and other information.

    Provide the Company with text and images in the format as stated below (see Photographs and images) Review the Company’s work, provide feedback, and signoff Approval in a timely Manner. Make every effort to adhere to all agreed deadlines.

    Adhere to the payment schedule laid out on our prices page or agreed separately for bespoke work. Advise, in advance, of any confidential information to be presented by email, written, or Verbally, between both parties. Also, for this to be marked as ‘confidential’ in the Subject of the email, or clearly on any written documents. Provide a minimum of one months notice in writing, or by email should you wish to Cancel any contract.

    The Company agrees to:

    Carry out services in a professional and timely manner. Make every effort to adhere to any deadlines agreed between us and you

    Make a reasonable number of revisions to the design, layout, colors’ etc, until you are Satisfied with the design concept or such time as both parties feel an agreement is Likely to be reached but no more than 2 major revisions. Additional revisions or design Work outside the scope of the project will be charged separately.

    Endeavour to complete requested website revisions or updates within 48 hours, Wherever possible. Revision entitlement per month is dependent on your support Package – out on our prices page

    Maintain up to date skills and knowledge through regular training and research. Contact you before the end of the first 12 month period, to discuss the various options Open to you for continuing website maintenance and support and/or hosting.

    Website Design :

  • All websites are developed to work primarily across all major browsers and platforms Including other devices such as mobile phones and touchpad’s. However, the Company Cannot guarantee complete and/or long term compatibility across every major browser, Platform or handheld device due to updates/upgrades by their respective vendors.
  • The Company cannot guarantee compatibility in old or redundant browser software.

  • Database, Application and E-Commerce Development:

    Friendzion cannot take responsibility for any losses incurred by the use of any software created for the client. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure products are problem free and accurate, the ultimate responsibility lies with the client in ensuring that all software is functioning correctly before use.

    Where applications or sites are developed on servers not provided by Friendzion , the client is expected to provide or seek any information, additional software, support or co-operation pertaining to the server required in order for the application to be correctly developed. Where large applications are to be developed, it is the client’s responsibility to provide a suitable testing environment which is identical to the final production environment.

    The client is expected to test fully any application or programming relating to a site developed by Friendzion before being made generally available for use. Where "bugs", errors or other issues are found after the site is live, Friendzion will endeavor (but is not obliged to) to correct these issues to meet the standards of function outlined in the brief.


    The company cannot guarantee that the functions contained within any web page (or Part of your website design), will always be error free, and therefore the company will Not be liable in any way whatsoever to you for any third party damages, including lost Profits, lost savings, or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out Of the operation of or inability to operate this web site and any other web pages, even if You have advised us of the possibilities of such damages.

    The Company cannot ensure that the website is completely compatible with any server operating system of a hoster other than its own, in particular contact forms, database websites etc. if you are hosting your Web site somewhere else. You will continue to be charged the same monthly fee as you have been promised if your Internet site is moved elsewhere.

    If you choose not to use our hosting service, the company does not offer any Technical Support for another Web Hosting Service that you can select.

    A small admin fee is payable for switching the client to another hosting provider. Hosting only clients, will be charged at our normal hourly rate for any further changes Or updates to their website. There may be an additional fee for any design changes requested after the initial Agreed design has been signed off.

    Changes to these Terms and Conditions:

    Friendzion reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any provision of these Terms And Conditions at any time without notice. Failure to receive notification of a change does not Make those changes invalid.

    Payment for services

    Payment: At the start of the development process for your company website, you Need to pay us 50% of the total development costs, the remaining balance of 50% Will be given upon the completion of the website. We will start the development Immediately upon receiving of the initial payment.

    Mode of Payment:

    • Client can give us directly their payment or can use the Following bank information for payment of any services we offered.
    • Bank Name ‐ HDFC bank
    • Account Name:Friendzion Technologies , A/C Number: 50200030308343
    • HDFC Bank (Hosur), IFSC CODE : HDFC0000351
    • After the payment, send us the scan copy of the deposit slip through Email or call the phone number listed below to inform and notify us.
    • info@friendzion.com
    • Mobile: +91 72005 23109

    Payment Gateway

    We are using Atom payment gateway client can use their credit card, debit card internet banking. Option to pay online or invoice based payment.

    Service Charges.

    As per Indian government regulations some of the payment requires service tax. The client will be informed by mail for such payments.

    Cancellation & Refund Policy.

    Note*: There will not be any refund will be given to client in case of any cancellation of the services In case if the work is not started after the payment the client will get the 50% amount of refund for the cancellation of the services.


    If you have any questions about this statement, please contact -info@friendzion.com